Message From the Principal

This college has taken teacher- education as a mission to enlighten the in-service and prospective teachers with new ideas in order to illuminate the minds of thousands of school students who constitute the future of our nation. Continuous updating of knowledge and use of modern technology in Teacher Education with enhancement of capability through pursuits of higher knowledge have been the mission of the college. The M.Ed. Course has already been initiated with due recognition of NCTE and the Government of West Bengal. Our Faculties have been approved by West Bengal University of Teachers’ Training Education Planning & Administration (WBUTTEPA) to act as Guide/ Supervisor of PhD Scholars enrolled at WBUTTEPA as per U.G.C. new regulation 2009. We have also been granted to run the new course namely Post Graduate Diploma in Guidance & Counselling (PGDGC) which is approved by the WBUTTEPA. There is a plan for conducting M.Phil course in Education in very new future. We have already inaugurated a Centre for Advanced Studies and Research in Education and School of Professional Skill Development, which we intend to enrich and enhance further for effective teacher development. Our faculty members are highly qualified & experienced. The college is proud of having permanent teachers, all having Ph.D degrees. The teachers are engaged in research activities and advanced studies to keep abreast with the latest development in the concerned subjects. They participate / attend and organize seminars, workshops and conference at national and international level on a regular basis. We have been able to make rich collection of books and journals in our college Library and Information Centre based on B.Ed, M.Ed, PhD, PGDGC and other Add-On Courses.